More2Nurseries Curriculum
Children attending More2Nurseries are supported in the seven areas of learning as stipulated by the Early Years Foundation Stage statutory framework (EYFS). You can access a Parents Guide to the EYFS here.
To this we add our own highly effective learning programme, unique to More2Nurseries. This inspirational curriculum was developed to meet the needs of families attending More2Nurseries, to envelop contemporary issues and to think ahead to growing up in a digital age.
Whole Child - Physical Focus
Why this focus?
Prioritising healthy physical and mental wellbeing in the early years helps to build the foundations for lifelong wellbeing and resilience. Research shows that poor physical development in young children impacts readiness for school, behaviour, social development and academic achievement.
Living in urban Greenwich for working families with no access to outside space or small balconies or gardens, the large open air spaces we provide take on additional importance.
What we do:
Activities linked to movement and well-being are prioritised every day at More2Nurseries. Our ABCFundamentals programme focuses on Agility, Balance and Co-ordination.
Through taking part in physical activities, children will begin to develop an understanding of safe practices, the relationship between physical activity and good health in everyday life.
They will develop social skills such as turn-taking, sharing, co-operating and negotiating, and values such as trust, fairness and respect for others.
Selected staff have undergone additional early years yoga training – children as young as nine months enjoy frequent yoga sessions – their concentration and ability to recreate the moves is impressive. All our rooms like a good boogie and dancing time and most of our group songs have an element of joining in through movement.
As well as lots of garden time and activities and equipment focused on movement, Fridays are dedicated to Physical Fridays. This might involve clearing indoors of our usual activities and creating a giant inside sandpit, getting out the big parachute or setting up obstacle courses. At More2Childcare we also have weekly access to their fabulous soft play set up within the Forum.
One World – One Community. Language Development.
Why this focus? Over 50% of the children at More2Nurseries are bi-lingual, with many having English as an additional language. Research suggests that children who know two (or more) languages, can gain an academic and social advantage over those who speak only one. Children have an amazing ability to learn language and this happens best when it is interactive, engaging and child-centered.
What we do:
We have bi-lingual practitioners in every nursery room to ensure all children have exposure to a second language.
We promote lots of activities to strengthen every child’s range of vocabulary in English, through animated story telling, questioning and using broad and varied vocabulary on a daily basis.
Our older children attend a weekly Spanish lesson with KidsLingo. And other languages are introduced daily to the children through songs, games, stories and rhymes.
STEAM - Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Maths
Children entering the early years now will need the much discussed “twenty-first century skills” and will grow up in the context of the “fourth industrial revolution” where digital skills are central. By linking to the children’s own backgrounds, lives and interests we aim to foster a curiosity in these subjects and to build innovators of the future. And because we want to broaden these traditional STEM skills we have added an additional element - Art.
Our approach
We introduce this indirectly through activities that encourage your child to explore, problem solve, observe, predict, think, make decisions and talk about the world around them. Children may investigate shadows, light and dark, life-cycles, living things, air and water, magnets, colour – we always link back to children’s interests.

Children require access to a range of technologies both digital and non-digital in their early lives. Investigations, scientific inquiry and exploration are essential components of learning about and with technology both digitally and in the natural world.
Technology does not have to mean screen time. Whilst children in the EYFS are expected to be able to turn on and operate simple computer programmes we are keener to explore low-technologies which could include washing and drying, transporting water, exploring with magnifying glasses and putting pen to paper. Babies can enjoy cause and effect toys- ie twisting a knob to move something.

Hands-on engineering activities empower young children to see themselves as problem solvers. They learn that there's more than one way to solve a problem, and that it's okay to fail and try again. Activities might cover building challenges with large cardboard boxes, blocks, marble runs or sandcastles. Children might investigate vehicles which fly or boats to help develop early concepts they can build on as they grow.

We adore art and messy play at More2Nurseries and have dedicated Art Bars or areas in every room. Art helps to develop a child's imagination, creativity and their ability to use media and materials. Messy play offers an amazing opportunity to develop these early motor skills, whether it's building muscle strength and control in fingers, wrists, arms and shoulders by squishing, squashing and squeezing play dough, or developing muscle control by making marks in shaving foam, clean mud, sand mousse or paint.

Maths is an important part of learning for children in the early years because it provides vital life skills. They will help children problem solve, measure and develop their own spatial awareness, and teach them how to use and understand shapes
Mathematics for young children involves developing their own understanding of number, quantity, shape and space. Babies and young children have a natural interest in quantities and spatial relations – they are problem-solvers, pattern-spotters and sense-makers from birth. This curiosity and enjoyment should be nurtured through their interactions with people and the world around them, drawing on their personal and cultural knowledge.
Effective early mathematics experiences involve seeking patterns, creating and solving mathematical problems and engaging with stories, songs, games, practical activities and imaginative play.